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| At The Gospel Banner Exchange, we believe in the scripture verse from Mark 16:15 "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." This commandment from Jesus is the purpose for most evangelical Christian web sites.
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| The purpose of The Gospel Banner Exchange is to promote those web sites which glorify Jesus Christ. You must agree with our terms and statement of beliefs before acceptance can be considered. After reviewing your site, we will accept or reject its inclusion if we feel that it does not comply with the beliefs of The Gospel Banner Exchange.
The Gospel Banner Exchange is currently serving up over thirty-five million banners a year making it the largest Christian Banner Exchange, and guaranteeing your site the best exposure possible.
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| Join The Gospel Banner Exchange now and receive 1,000 free bonus impressions.
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| Check out our
Special Packages.
If you are a member of The Gospel Banner Exchange, you can buy extra impressions. Purchase as few as 10,000 additional impressions and give your web site a boost.
Are you tired of banner exchanges that are gone in a few days or a few weeks? The Gospel Banner Exchange is now in it's sixth
year of faithfully serving Christian web sites, and our blazing fast dedicated server serves up banners faster than other exchanges. That means no waiting time, and it doesn't hold
up the loading of your page.
And high traffic sites don't get shunned. Don't expect to see a high accumulation of credits with no exposures.
This is the exchange for the rest of us. This is the exchange for serious webmasters.